Best Bread For French Onion Soup (Pros & Cons Of Each)

Best Bread For French Onion Soup (Pros & Cons Of Each)

Ah, bread and French onion soup. A classic combination that has stood the test of time. But with so many different types of bread to choose from, it can be tough to decide which one is the absolute best choice to pair with this delicious soup.

The best bread for French onion soup is a sturdy, crusty bread that can hold up to the weight of the soup and toppings. Some excellent options include:

  • French baguette: This classic, long and thin loaf has a crispy crust and a chewy interior, making it perfect for soaking up the rich broth of French onion soup.
  • Sourdough bread: Sourdough bread has a tangy flavor that pairs well with the sweet and savory flavors of French onion soup. It also has a dense, chewy texture that can hold up to the soup.
  • Rustic Italian bread: This type of bread has a hard, crunchy crust and a chewy interior, making it ideal for soaking up the soup without falling apart.

Ultimately, the best bread for French onion soup is a matter of personal preference. You can experiment with different types of bread to find the one that you like the best.

Well, fear not dear reader, for I am here to guide you through the pros and cons of each type of bread, and help you make an informed decision on which one is the ultimate winner. Let’s dive in!

#1: Artisan Sourdough


  • Artisan sourdough bread has a chewy, rustic texture that pairs perfectly with the rich, savory flavors of French onion soup.
  • It’s made with a natural fermentation process that gives it a distinct tangy flavor, which can really help to elevate the overall taste of the soup.
  • The large, irregular holes in the bread make it ideal for dipping, as they allow the soup to seep in and provide even more flavor.


  • Artisan sourdough can be a bit pricey, so it might not be the most budget-friendly option.
  • It’s not always easy to find, as it’s typically made in small batches by local bakeries or specialty stores.
  • Some people might find the tangy flavor a bit overpowering, and it might not be to everyone’s taste.

#2: Ciabatta


  • Ciabatta bread has a soft, fluffy interior and a crispy, crunchy crust, which makes it a great choice for soaking up the broth in French onion soup.
  • Its large, open crumb structure also makes it ideal for dipping, as it allows the soup to penetrate the bread easily.
  • Ciabatta is a relatively affordable option, making it a good choice for those on a budget.


  • Ciabatta can be a bit on the bulky side, so it might not be the most elegant choice for a more formal occasion.
  • It’s not always the easiest bread to find, as it’s not as widely available as some other types.
  • Some people might find the crust a bit too hard or chewy, which could make it difficult to eat with the soup.

#3: French Baguette


  • French baguettes are the classic choice for French onion soup, and with good reason. Their long, slender shape makes them perfect for dipping into the broth, and their crispy crust helps to contrast nicely with the soft, gooey cheese on top.
  • French baguettes have a light, airy texture and a subtle, buttery flavor that pairs well with the rich, savory flavors of the soup.
  • They’re widely available at most grocery stores and bakeries, so they’re easy to find and relatively affordable.


  • French baguettes can be a bit on the dry side, which can make them a bit difficult to eat with the soup.
  • They can also be a bit brittle and prone to breaking, which can be frustrating when trying to dip them into the broth.
  • Some people might find the crust a bit too hard or chewy, which could make it difficult to eat with the soup.

#4: Croissants


  • Croissants have a flaky, buttery texture that pairs perfectly with the rich, savory flavors of French onion soup.
  • Their crescent shape makes them ideal for dipping into the broth, and their light, airy interior helps to soak up the flavors of the soup.
  • Croissants are a unique and unexpected choice for pairing with French onion soup, which could add an element of surprise and interest to the meal.


  • Croissants are typically quite expensive, as they are made with a labor-intensive process that involves layering butter and dough repeatedly. This means they might not be the most budget-friendly option.
  • They can also be a bit on the delicate side, which means they might not hold up as well as some other types of bread when dipped into the soup.
  • Croissants are not always easy to find, as they are typically only available at specialty bakeries or high-end grocery stores.

#5: French Rolls


  • French rolls have a soft, pillowy texture and a slightly crispy crust, which makes them a great choice for soaking up the broth in French onion soup.
  • They’re small and compact, which makes them easy to handle and eat with the soup.
  • French rolls are widely available at most grocery stores and bakeries, so they’re easy to find and relatively affordable.


  • French rolls might not have as much flavor as some other types of bread, which could make them a bit bland when paired with the soup.
  • They can also be a bit too soft and spongy, which might make them difficult to eat with the soup.
  • Some people might find the crust a bit too hard or chewy, which could make it difficult to eat with the soup.

#6: Garlic Bread


  • Garlic bread has a bold, garlicky flavor that pairs well with the rich, savory flavors of French onion soup.
  • Its soft, buttery texture makes it ideal for soaking up the broth, and the added flavor of the garlic helps to add depth and complexity to the overall taste of the soup.
  • Garlic bread is relatively easy to find and relatively affordable, making it a convenient and budget-friendly choice.


  • Some people might find the strong, pungent flavor of garlic bread a bit overwhelming, which could overpower the flavors of the soup.
  • It can also be a bit greasy, which might make it a bit messy to eat with the soup.
  • Garlic bread is not always the most elegant or sophisticated choice, which might not be suitable for more formal occasions.

#7: Brioche


  • Brioche bread has a soft, fluffy texture and a slightly sweet, buttery flavor that pairs well with the rich, savory flavors of French onion soup.
  • Its light, airy crumb structure makes it ideal for soaking up the broth, and the added sweetness helps to balance out the savory flavors of the soup.
  • Brioche is a luxurious and indulgent choice, which can add a touch of sophistication and elegance to the meal.


  • Brioche can be quite expensive, as it is made with a large amount of butter and eggs. This means it might not be the most budget-friendly option.
  • It can also be a bit too rich and heavy for some people, which might make it a bit overwhelming to eat with the soup.
  • Brioche is not always easy to find, as it is typically only available at specialty bakeries or high-end grocery stores.


So, which bread is the absolute best choice for pairing with French onion soup? Well, it ultimately comes down to personal preference. Each type of bread has its own unique set of pros and cons, and it’s up to you to decide which one aligns best with your taste preferences and needs.

If you’re looking for a rustic, tangy bread that pairs well with the rich, savory flavors of the soup, then artisan sourdough might be the way to go. If you want a soft, fluffy bread that’s easy to dip and soak up the broth, then ciabatta or French rolls could be a good choice. If you’re looking for something a bit more unique and unexpected, then croissants or garlic bread might be worth considering. And if you’re looking for a luxurious, indulgent option that adds a touch of elegance to the meal, then brioche might be the perfect choice.

Ultimately, the best bread for French onion soup is the one that you enjoy the most. So don’t be afraid to experiment and try out different types of bread until you find the one that’s just right for you. Happy dipping!

Christian R

Hello, my name is Christian and I'm the owner of (Academy Of Bread). If you can't tell by the name this site it is all about bread, bread making, dough, and anything and everything else bread related.If you love bread then you are in the right place!This site is dedicated to one thing... helping you make and bake the best bread ever! Whether you are baking bread for the first time or just have some general questions about bread or dough I will try to answer them on this site.

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